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$8 each.
Spring/Summer 2008 - SOLD OUT
Inside Art by Michail Grobman, Zoya Cherkassky, Alina and Jeff Bliumis, Sasha Okun, Nekoda Singer, and Ilya Bogdanovsky
Poetry by Michael Gendelev, Genya Turovskaya, Roman Baembaev, Sivan Beskin, Eugene Ostashevsky, Inna Lisnianskaya, Ilya Bernstein, Gali-Dana Singer, and Matvei Yankelevich
Fiction by Alex Epstein, Maria Galina, David Stromberg, Val Vinokur, Alona Kimhi, and Boris Zaidman
David Bezmozgis discusses writing and community
Igor Guberman considers Jews as a dream
Gail Hareven learns the reality of literature
Alexander Genis tries to listen to his blood
Irina Mashinski observes small-town ice cream
Pavel Lembersky reconsiders old photographs
Marina Shron takes a plane ride back
and much more.
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Fall / Winter 2007
Basya Schechter, The Music of Sacred and Profane
Bara Sapir, Cracks in the Vessel: When Music is Art
Dan Friedman, Coffee with Little Satan
Sacha Baron Cohen, What’s on my playlist
Steven Beeber, Oy to Oi: Is Hardcore Punk Suddenly Kosher?
Joe Gallo, On Sound
Robbie Gringras, Trouble in Eurovisionland
Linda Zisquit, Between
Basmat Hazan Arnoff, The Piyyut is Jewish Soul Music
Sascha Gottschalk, My Life as a Jewish Hare Krishna Skinhead
Shirley Kaufman, Late Love Poem
Yoram Kaniuk, Killers
Jay Michaelson, The Redemptive Music of Sadness
Art by
Laurie Anderson
Philip Glass
Pauline Oliveros
Meredith Monk
Julie Blattberg
and more
Music by
Kobi Oz and Teapacks
Pharaoh’s Daughter
Roberto Rodriguez
and more |  |
Spring/Summer 2007
Ilya Kaminsky First Ending of the Fairytale
Jay Michaelson Prayer and Nonduality
Ellen Bloomenstein He’s Got Big Muscles
Bara Sapir How an Artist Prays
Forum on the Independent Minyan Movement
Shifra Bronznick D.I.Y. Judaism: A Roundtable on Independent Minyanim
Riv-Ellen Prell Indy Minyanim and 1970s Prayer Groups: Sociological Perspectives
Ethan Tucker What Independent Minyanim Teach us about the Next Generation of Jewish Communities
Ilana Kurshan Stacking the Plastic Chairs: An Independent Minyan in Jerusalem
Rami Shapiro Why Pray?
Dan Friedman Prayer for Carthage
Stephen Hazan Arnoff In Memoriam: Bob Dylan’s Modern Times
Jake Marmer In the Beginning
S. Yizhar Sting
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$8 |
Zeek: Fall/Winter 2006
Corie Feiner - Tongue
Marusya Bociurkiw - Radishes and Salt
Leah Koenig - Goldbergers and Cheeseburgers: Particularism and the Culinary Jew
Samuel Menashe - Salt and Pepper
Matthew Vogel - Half-Sour: Food and Healing in Berlin
Michael Ableman - Eli Zabar’s Magical Rooftop of Greens
Ruth Knafo Setton - The Orange Came First
Jay Michaelson - Kashrut and Nonduality
Elisha Porat - Carobs
Meghan Adler - Pomegranate
Darra Goldstein - Cooking up Community with the Jews of Turkmenistan
Yoseph Leib - The Tree of Life
Jeremy Mullem - With a Strong Hand and an Outstreched Arm
Rachel Barenblat - Sufganiyot
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$8 |
Zeek: Spring/Summer 2006
Ruth Knafo Setton - When God Yelled at Me
Gordon Haber - Peyos ex Machina
Hillel Schwartz - Walking with Cristy in D.C.
Mordecai Drache - Queerness and the New Jewish Cultures
Phil S. Stein - How I Ended Up at the Jerusalem Same-Sex Attraction Group
Peter Schwartz - The Return of Isaac
Rachel Zucker - Alluvial
Jay Michaelson - A Tranparent God: Tensions Between Buddhism and Judaism
Robin Goldfin - Close the Door and Sit Close to Me
Alex Mankowitz - White Meat
David Shasha - The Levantine Option: What the Ashkenazim Have Hidden from Us
Ellen Bloomenstein - Image in the Rain
Joshua Cohen - Trees
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$8 |
Zeek: Fall/Winter 2005
David Ehrlich - Everythingís Fine
Jill Hammer - The Place of Ashes
Kitra Cahana - The Last Days of Gaza
Rebecca Mostov - Dear God
Leah Koenig - The So-Called Jewish Cultural Revolution
Hayyim Obadyah - Masoretic Orgasm
Jay Michaelson - The Use of Mysticism
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi - Kíga Vna: Just as They...
Dan Friedman - The Fundamentalist in the Mirror
Anat Liwtin - No Place Like...
Nicole Tayler - What She Loved Most
Marissa Pareles - A Floating Red
Rabbi Jacob Staub - Winter Light Promises
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$8 |
Zeek: Spring/Summer 2005
Richard Chess - Monotheist's Lament
Jennifer Blowdryer & Alvin Orloff - Hipster Antisemitism
Jill Hammer - The Two Mothers
Aaron Hamburger - Whatever it Takes
Rachel Barenblat - Asher Yatzar
Jay Michaelson - Religion, Spirituality, Contemplation, Love
Abraham Mezrich - Jacob Said to the Angel
Abi Cohen - James Lee Byars & the Number Ten
Michael Blumenthal - Not Pure Black and White
Hal Sirowitz - Here's Looking at You
Samantha Stiers - Mengele & the Giant Hairball
Dan Friedman - Straight Eye for the Consumer Guy
Hila Ratzabi - A Demonstration in Words
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$8 |
Zeek: Fall/Winter 2004
Hal Sirowitz - Being on Good Terms
Jill Hammer - An Altar of Earth: Jews - Goddesses and the Zohar
Hila Ratzabi - Playing Eve
Rowena Silver - Hyatt Regency Dead Sea Resort
Jay Michaelson - Two Essays on Jesus Christ
Avi Levy - Then
Jeff Leavell - Becoming Jewish-ish
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi - Invocation Before the Sacred Union
Chanel Dubofsky - No Matter What - I Wish You Luck
Joshua Axelrad - Sex and the Golem
Abraham Mezrich - Pomegranates: A Parable
Michael Shurkin - Is France Antisemitic?
Ira Stone - The Stable
Nigel Savage - Very Short Story
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$8 |
Zeek: Spring/Summer 2004
Temima Fruchter, Erev
Abraham Joshua Heschel (Jonathan Boyarin trans.) - God Likes New Things
Siona Benjamin - Khamoshi
Prof. James Russell - Harvard Death Fugue
Raphael Cohen - re:vision
Abraham Mezrich - Island-Swimming
Michael Shurkin - Davening with Joe
Hal Sirowitz - Why there are no more miracles
Josh Ring - Josh Almost Gets Cancer
Jay Michaelson - I Hear America Bling-Blinging
Bara Sapir - Torah Cover
Sarah Lefton - A Song of Ascents
Chanel Dubofsky - Wisconsin
Margaret Mackenzie Schwartz - The Wrong Half
Joel Shurkin - Ten Commandments
Rabbi Niles Goldstein - Surrender
Dan Friedman - The Mall-Balloon Man Moment of the Spirit
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$8 |
Zeek: Fall/Winter 2003
Marissa Pareles - Shtupping
in the Shadow of the Bomb
David Goldstein - Stones
of Jerusalem
Jay Michaelson - What
the World Is
Sara Seinberg - yom
Dave Hyde - Europeís
Red-Green Alliance
Matthue Roth - Trembling
Before You
Douglas Rushkoff - The
Sacred and the Profane
Hal Sirowitz - Not
Dan Friedman - Genuine
Authentic Gangsta Flava
Temima Fruchter - Primal
Scream Judaism
David Stromberg - Saddies
Michael Shurkin - Is
Zionism Colonialism?
Samuel Hayim Brody - With
a Bible and a Gun
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi - Carrying
Light into Dark Times
Abraham Mezrich - Angel-Man
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$8 |
Zeek: Spring 2003
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$8 |
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